Walking with the Vain Cattle

In the Womb of Life, the Plant of Miracle Is Ready to Blossom a White Flower

by Amal A. Islim

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Book Details

Language : English
Publication Date : 13/05/2011

Format : Hardcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781452533971
Format : Softcover
Dimensions : 6x9
Page Count : 200
ISBN : 9781452533957

About the Book

Upon the secrets of the Caribbean Sea, Amal Islim makes a wish, asking the wish master for happiness and peace. A whisper in her soul makes her understand that she must take the journey towards her higher self. Standing in that crossroads, she meets the Doorkeeper that is separating heaven from the mundane.

As the doorkeeper holds that door’s key, He challenges her to go into her darkness and bring it to light. She takes the challenge, and plunges into the unknown to reach the cruel test of paradise.

Yearning for her Golden fields, she realizes, that first, she must face the soul of death. In her own womb, she nests, thinking that she is in her Coffin. Surrendering now to her fate, finally, hears that stillness sound.

In peace, she awakens and in humble grace, knowing now, that no true victory is without a noble destination. She finally understands that in her perfect faith, and in believing in the incredible, she was able to reach what is called the impossible.

As she breathes life, and lets the blood flood into her face, that sinner becomes a saint and walks through the gate of the enchanted new Beginning. Proving that “when a man is willing and eager, God joins in”.

About the Author

Amal A. Islim is a Jordanian who left her homeland at the age of 17. She has travelled the world ever since, and has lived in Germany, England, Canada and the United States. She is a psychologist and life coach who has lived for the past 14 years in Switzerland. Amal writes when her soul calls for expression and finds inspiration in her faith in an ideal world. http://mksvdatabase.com/OB_WD/425635/