Sarah Jeane’s love for nature and all living creatures have led her on a spiritual creative path where she has chosen to raise consciousness about the indwelling and sacred attributes of life—expressing her God-given gifts in multiple ways. Her work with nature’s intelligence associated with her creative expression and healing modalities have inspired Sarah Jeane to author books, which further guide people to recognize their true identity, thus awakening an awareness of the beauty and sacredness of life.
This inner search has granted her with the blessing to bestow twelve doorways of light reflected in an artistic symbolic expression, supporting individual and global divine transcendence presented in her book Twelve Doorways of Light: Sacredness of Life—and also available on her website:
Sarah Jeane created this sequel presenting pictographic art to further epitomize the messages presented in her book entitled Twelve Doorways of Light: A Portal to Your God-Self.
This artistic expression epitomizes a divine portal for all qualities of God to be embraced and experienced through the awakening of the Tree of Life within every human being and sourcing from all life. Diving ever deeper within the heart of your divine presence is awakening to the qualities of God and infinite potentialities where the Tree of Life is activated within its new frequencies and polarities.
When you choose to express qualities of the heart such as compassion, reverence, and love, this artistic expression is designed to support an awakening of your light body from the heart. It is an awakening to divine cosmic consciousness, an experience of the one heart and mind of God, God’s consciousness—inviting divine creativity and divine co-creative partnership in furtherance of peace and harmony for all beings.
This creative work is easily accessible to people from all faiths, beliefs, nations, and worlds. Throughout this book, in your prayers and meditations, to speak to “God” and of “God,” please use the name you feel connected with in your heart and soul—it will be the right name for you. God is omnipresent, omnipotent, omniscient, and expressed in infinite aspects and names.
These images hold a sacred space for all human beings to move into unity consciousness in love. When crossing that bridge true consciousness of unbounded love is revealed and divine creativity is released in limitless forms and expressions. Peace becomes a living reality as we immerse and anchor within the consciousness of our true divine nature. It is then possible to “see” one another and love one another, honoring the Earth Being with all its inhabitants and all nature’s intelligence.
How to benefit from these Twelve Doorways of Light?
Sarah Jeane invites you to meditate on these artistic images to guide and support the awakening of your God-Self, the Tree of Life within you. Since every aspect of God is represented in one image, you have the opportunity to commune on a deeper level with any aspect of God and its dimension, for spiritual support and harmony, personal healing and light activation.
You may meditate on any of these images to activate specific aspects of God and divine qualities, emanating from the core essence of your being.
Even though every image is intended to activate one specific aspect of God within its dimension, all your energy centers benefit from that new flow of love light and life force since all your energy centers are working in oneness. Aspects of God operate in oneness within a universal divine design.
If you choose to place all twelve images around you and meditate daily within that sacred space, you are creating a vortex of light energy supporting an activation of all your sacred energy centers, infusing with love light all your bodies and fields, cells, DNA, and RNA.
You are awakening your body of light from the heart center in preparation for this new age of enlightenment. You are ready to thrive and express your God-given gifts in divine ways.
Every image represents one aspect of God illustrated with its specific light ray color, divine synergy and dimension.
As you move through Doorways of Light, all energies that do not belong to you are released into the light of God and transmuted into love. You are then free in your space, living in true consciousness, discovering the treasures of your sacred being and the sacredness in all Creation.
The synergy of these twelve images projects an extraordinary Portal of the most luminescent Light, an energetic pictorial representation of the Tree of Life—the ultimate doorway to the enchanted pathway to God.
This artistic expression leads you on journey of the heart to explore the sacredness of life, in Peace and for Peace.