Why This Book
Our message is to assist in the awakening of all people, to assist in raising their consciousness and, in turn, their awareness of God within themselves and within all. It is to begin to awaken the awareness and understanding of the Truth of God within all and what that means. It will also increase awareness of the truth of the connectedness between all people and with God. It is to understand the Truth that All Is One, and to allow God to show you how to work with one another in this time of awakening. During this shift, things will be brought to the surface and many people will need guidance. This guidance will be revealed as people allow God into their lives, accepting and embracing the Truth of what is coming - and what is coming is God.
What this means is peace, higher vibrations, higher consciousness, of course, greater awareness and understanding. In time, all will understand what is really true, which is, of course, that this world that you live in is an illusion. God is All That Is. We are here to assist in the awakening of all people to the awareness of God within all. The time is now to wake up, for what is coming is much greater than has been previously allowed or believed. It is happening. It is a culmination of God’s Will, as well as of humans’, for the asking for this to occur has been going on for so long. God hears this and knows, of course, that it is time. Somewhere within all humans there is a knowing that it is time for the total awakening and for this shift to occur.
Please keep this in mind at all times throughout your daily life. As you do so, you will bring forth, or call forth, more and more understanding and awareness to assist you in making this transition yourself.
We want to explain that none are without God, for it is impossible to be truly without God. It is only the unhealed mind that believes that it is without God. The perceptions and minds of all humans are being healed, and will be healed, as time moves forward, as the shift is occurring. The awareness will grow, and more and more of you will be able to perceive the Truth. More of you will experience and be aware of the many layers and dimensions that are a part of God and that are all around you, and always have been all around you.
We are attempting to deliver as much as is possible into this book, so that people will not be completely taken off guard by the changes, the shifting, the coming of God, and what all that is. We want there to be an available explanation, so to speak, of what is happening and of what people are experiencing.
Everything is always moving forward. You cannot sit still in old beliefs. You cannot allow yourself to remain in the old teachings. Instead, open your mind to the Truth, which is that God is always expanding. Therefore, human consciousness is always expanding. It is time that you come to this awareness, so that it will be allowed to occur at a faster rate and with greater strength. At this time, so many of you are sharing what has been, not even coming close to allowing the truth that all is always becoming more. Open yourself to receive what is becoming more. Our message is to lift you out of the cycle of what has happened in the past, relying on what has already been, as though it is gospel, so to speak. As though it is the “be all, end all,” for it is not. All teachings, all scriptures, have expanded. But this has not been clear. Out of fear of knowing your true power, you have consigned yourself, so to speak, to what has already been. Your true power comes from God; your true power is already within you.
We are not accusing anyone of committing anything, or doing anything, but there is a continuation of the cycle of teaching what has already been, in such a way that it does not open the mind to the expansion that is always going on. Instead, we hear, “These are the truths, or this is what you need to understand. Now understand it, and this is all that you need to understand.” This is not true, for it causes you to become stuck, relying on one source, one person, or idea, when God consists of many.
God is not one-sided, and yet, God is changeless. We want you to understand that God is multidimensional, has many layers, and yet is unchangeable in Truth. The Truth is the unchanged aspects of God. These include the higher vibrational emotions, such as Joy, Grace, Unconditional Love, and Peace, for God and these emotions are the same. The Truth is also such concepts as all are innocent, and that you are always with God, for God is within you. These are the unchanged aspects of God, the pure, unadulterated Truths of God. We want humanity to experience all of this at all times.
We present this book to raise the awareness and consciousness of as many people as possible. We are in hopes (and it is more than “in hopes,” for we know that it is!) that it reaches the tipping point, so that the energy will then raise the consciousness of all of you. You will begin to entrain to the higher vibrational consciousness, as well as into awareness of and into alignment with God. As more of you reach this higher consciousness, more will also entrain to it. That is the point of the book.
And so it is. We shower you with blessings and our love, and we give thanks. Namaste.